Where to Buy: Dress Code compliant tops and bottoms are approved from three vendors: Tommy Hilfiger, Lands’ End and French Toast. Educational Outfitters is still approved. Tommy Hilfiger may be purchased online
www.globalschoolwear.com school code: YOUN01). Lands’ End may be purchased online (school code: 900168303) or at Sears stores. French Toast may be purchased online
www.frenchtoast.com school code: QS5YAXA) or at local retailers.
Junior High dress code adds a few items to what students wear in K-5. Please note that those items are marked (Junior High). Colors remain the same in K-8 with the exception of Junior High Girls having the option of Classic Navy Plaid for skirts/skorts.
Permitted Colors [Solid]: White, Navy, and Lands’ End Maize
Fabrics: Cotton or Cotton/Polyester Blend
Permitted Styles:
• Short and Long Sleeve Standard Polos
• Short and Long Sleeve Oxford button down (Junior High)
• Cardigans
• Sweaters and Sweater Vest (Must be worn with button down shirt in Junior High.
Please note: Shirts must be buttoned and tucked in at all times. The shirt must be long enough to remain tucked in during recess activities. Garments should be loose enough that undergarment lines do not show. Be mindful that white polos can be more transparent at times. Therefore, a white tank top or t-shirt is required for grades 3rd -5th under white polos (no spaghetti straps).
Coats/Jackets are approved for outdoor use only. Sweater jackets, athletic jackets and hooded jackets for outdoor use should be free of large images, text, or branding. No non-uniform sweaters, sweatshirts, hoodies, etc. shall be worn over the school uniform inside the building.
Permitted Colors [Solid]: Navy or Classic Khaki. Classic Plaid by Tommy Hilfiger and Lands’ End (Junior High Girls).
Fabrics: Cotton, Cotton/Polyester Blend or Polyester/Rayon Blend. No knit.
Permitted Styles for Boys and Girls:
• Shorts (Pleated or flat front. May be no higher than 2 inches above the knee.)
• Classic Full-Length Pants (Pleated or flat front)
Additional Permitted Styles for Girls:
• Skirts: must touch the knee in front and back (Solid Black/Navy/Grey/Brown knit shorts must be worn underneath.)
• Skorts: must touch the knee in the front and back
• Jumpers (Elementary): must meet the knee in the front and back [Solid] Navy or Classic Khaki POLO DRESSES ARE NOT PERMITTED
• Navy or White tights or knee socks may be worn in conjunction with skirts, skorts, jumpers. Black tights/knee socks not permitted. For transparent tights, knit shorts must be worn on top. Leggings are prohibited.
For all bottoms, please note: No capris, skinny pants, cargo pants, zip on/zip off legs, or similar styles. Garments should be loose enough that undergarment lines do not show.
• Belts are optional K-5. Must be worn with pants with belt loops for Junior High.
• Must be solid Black, Brown, or Navy.
• Tennis shoes: Solid Black, Solid White, Solid Navy, or Solid Brown. Must be a single color without prominent branding, e.g., Nike swoosh, Adidas symbol, etc. Laces must match the shoe color and socks are required with all shoes. Tennis shoes or more athletic dress shoes are recommended for P.E. days.
• Dress shoes: Solid Black, Solid Brown, or Solid Navy in color. Shoes must be closed at toe/heel. (No strapless ballet flats Kindergarten through First Grade).
• Prohibited: Sparkles, lights, additional ‘flair’, etc.
• Prohibited styles: Heels, boots or high-tops of any kind, sandals, clogs, flip flops, or mules.
• Socks must be Solid Black, Solid White, Solid Brown, or Solid Navy. Other than girl’s knee socks, all socks should be no higher than just above ankle. Boys are not permitted to wear knee socks.
Accessories & Hair:
• Jewelry/watches/belt buckles should not be excessively large or gaudy, cannot be distracting from the learning environment and should not contain inappropriate text or symbols. One necklace may be worn inside the shirt for safety. Watches are not permitted in Kindergarten.
• Earrings: Stud earrings and hoops up to ½” are permitted for girls. Girls may have up to 2 piercings per ear lobe. No other facial or body piercings allowed.
• Prohibited jewelry: Heavy chains, necklaces visible outside of the shirt, choker-style necklaces, temporary/permanent tattoos, body glitter, boy’s earrings, hats, bandanas or other head coverings. Rings, bracelets and all other jewelry are prohibited.
• Prohibited hair: Colored, highlighted, tinted and/or dyed hair in unnatural hair colors or patterns, fashion cuts, fauxhawks, and half & half cuts, hats inside the building.
• Boys Hair: Must be maintained above the collar and out of eyes.
• Girls Hair Accessories: Hair should be maintained out of the eyes. Small bows in the school colors are allowed. Clips for flyaway hair and pony tail holders may be worn in school colors or in black/brown. Headbands in solid colors may be worn 1st grade and up. Beads are only permissible when in school colors, color of hair, or clear but should be minimal and cannot make noise as this is distracting.
• Make-up should not be heavy and should be in skin tone colors. Make-up is discouraged, especially in Elementary. Many students use make-up as a mask to hide their true features and feelings. We seek to build the confidence of young people so that they do not feel the need to ‘hide’ or develop the sense that they are not good enough as they are.
• In order to reduce distractions, girls may only wear nail polish in light shades of pink or flesh tones, no glitter. Polish must remain neat and unchipped. Reapplication may not occur at school. False nails are prohibited.
• All students’ nails should be kept clean and neatly clipped.
Backpacks, bookbags, and lunchboxes:
Must be appropriately sized so that your child can carry or wear it. Wheels or retractable handles are not permitted. Colors/patterns are acceptable, with the exception of bright/neon colors. Slogans, gadgets, lights, and other accessories are prohibited from being on or affixed to the backpack/bookbag.
Dress Code Policies: Non-Exhaustive
With countless styles, it is not feasible to fully outline the non-permissible clothing. As such, non-permissible items are not limited to those provided as examples above. When in doubt, please choose a compliant item or ask your child’s teacher if the item meets the dress code standards prior to your child wearing the article to school.
The school reserves the right to determine whether any item is compliant with dress code.