Youngsville Academy

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Youngsville Academy (YACS) has a proven track record of exemplary academic results.
Success is objectively measured primarily through the annual ITBS (IOWAs) assessment. This assessment provides the school and parents with meaningful data about how the average student performs compared to their national peer group. Youngsville Academy is the top college-preparatory school in the Franklin County area. 
YACS ITBS History (Average student national percentile ranking):
  • 2023-2024: 75.0%
  • 2022-2023: 72.2%
  • 2021-2022: 71%
  • 2020-2021: 70.7%
  • 2019-2020: N/A (Schools closed due to COVID-19)
  • 2018-2019: 69.0%
  • 2017-2018: 62.2%
  • 2016-2017: 59.5%
This demonstrates that YACS students perform significantly above their non-YACS national peers, who perform at the 50th percentile.
In addition to the ITBS (IOWAs) Assessment, students take the required North Carolina assessments.
YACS NC School Report Card History:
North Carolina's assessments are based on North Carolina's standards, which Youngsville Academy does not utilize. Youngsville Academy opts instead for a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum. The NC standards-based assessments, per NCDPI, are not intelligence tests. These tests do not represent a school's breadth or depth of student learning. These tests are exclusively designed to assess whether or not students have mastered state standards. Information about our philosophy on State standards-based assessments is available here: Weakening Education Through State Standards
In accordance with State policy, we are required to public annual performance. Performance data is provided below. 
Yearly Performance History:
Year Letter Grade Performance Score
2023-2024 C 63
2022-2023 C 60
2021-2022 D 53
2020-2021 No Score. N/A (Covid) No Score. N/A (Covid)
2019-2020 No Score. N/A (Covid) No Score. N/A (Covid)
North Carolina's Department of Public Instruction provides accountability and testing data for publicly funded schools. Information and reports are available here: